The efficient operation of today’s power plant depends largely upon accurate & repeatable measurement of primary and secondary airflow to coal mills, flue gas recirculation flow, overfire airflow, airflow to individual burners, etc. Flue gas or Stack gas emission flow rate measurement is nowadays important for quantifying emission (CEMS) for environmental reporting for Govt. Authorities for pollution control. Flue gases are gases emitted due to the combustion process due to heating of fuel (liquid or solid or gaseous) & Air with a stoichiometric ratio in: Boiler Heating Process furnaces FLUE GAS PRODUCTION DUE TO COMBUSTION MAINLY CONSIST OF : Nitrogen (N2) Carbon monoxide (CO) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Traces of Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) Particulate matters (SPM) Moisture Flue Gases are gases emitted due to combustion process due to heating of fuel (liquid or solid or gaseous) & Air in: Thermal Power Plant S...